Gardening with Deer

can be extremely frustrating. Plans and dreams of a lush garden are leveled overnight when hungry maruaders dressed as four-legged browsers pay a visit. What's a gardener to do short of fencing the entire perimeter? Many of the plants we grow are chosen specifically for their distatefulness to deer. Not to say that they will never get eaten, but starting with plants that deer tend to avoid is your best bet. The caveat: deer and their preferences are extremely regional. What works in one place may not work in another and vice versa. Keep in mind that if you are growing plants that are tasty to humans, they will very likely be tasty to deer as well. You will need to keep those protected with a barrier of some sort, such as a small, temporary fence, which could be little more than fencing wire in a circle around your plot. However, for the rest of your yard, try some of these varieties...
Below are some of the most deer resistant varieties, in our experience.
Click on your selection to learn more about the plant