The oldest medicine, herbs have been used for centuries for their healing properties. Many are still used in this way, while many of the traditional uses of herbs have been lost and the plants now grown strictly ornamentally or for their culinary uses. Either way, the traditional use of herbs is a fascinating study, and one that practitioners devote years to. Herbalism is a venerable practice requiring much knowlege and wisdom, and while novices should avoid the use of some herbs for their healing properties, many are widely accepted as safe to use, such as peppermint tea to aid in digestive issues. While we don't reccomend unguided use of herbs for more serious ailments, with research and assitance many are perfectly fine to use and quite effective.
Listed by botanical name below are some of the traditional herbs in the catalog.
For strictly culinary herbs, see the edibles page. To search for plants by common name, use the alphabetical navigation at the bottom of the page.
Click on your selection to learn more about the plant.