Welcome to the 
Garden Company!
In the foothills of the
Sierra Nevada...
where the average winter is cold and wet, the summers are long, hot, and dry, the soils are often less than ideal for growing, and the abundant wildlife is not particularly understanding of the human need for a lush environment, there is a small nursery growing plants particularly suited to just those conditions. Instead of growing plants that are adapted to English gardens or othersimilarly enviableconditions, we hope to inspire folks in more challenging situations by offering plants designed by nature to thrive in similar environments to ours. We have accepted the challenge issued by Mother Nature, and instead of stifling our natural instincts to surround ourselves with bountiful gardens, our goal is to live in harmony with where we are, growing plants that thrive in areas like ours, despite, or, perhaps because of, the conditions. It is our sincere mission and hope to encourage others to do the same.

Garden Where You Are...
At The Garden Company, it is the philosophy we live by. Our plant selection is designed to thrive with minimal input in a variety of our local conditions. While these same plants may do perfectly well outside of areas like ours, it is with the foothills gardener in mind that we select the varieties we do. We are constantly searching out and adding new species that fill a role for gardeners while never failing to acknowledge the time and place in which they garden. Our goal is to help both gardeners and plants succeed and thrive where they are planted.

The joys of gardening...
whether from the pleasure of witnessing the delicate unfolding of leaf and petal, participating in the vivaciousness of plants with an unbreakable will to bloom and set fruit, or the satisfaction of harvesting dinner out of your own well-tended plot, complete with cut flowers for the table are far too important to pass by because of localized difficulties. We know there are challenges, but there are also solutions! We are constantly searching out these solutions and ways to help you implement them.
If you love to garden, but have met with frustration at regional obstacles, you have found the right place! We can't solve every problem, but are here to help where we can, to give honest advice, and do what we can to help your garden be as bountiful as possible.
Featured Plant
Amelanchier alnifolia
Western Serviceberry |